Melinta Medical Affairs

Educational Activities

Melinta is committed to fostering life-long learning of medical and scientific topics through high-quality, relevant and impactful educational activities.

The resources below are provided to aid clinicians in learning about our products and associated disease states.

External links on this page are not affiliated with Melinta Therapeutics. Links to sites outside of Melinta are provided as a resource to the viewer. Melinta accepts no responsibility for the content of linked sites.

Independent Medical Education (IME) Programs

Please note, links to Independent Medical Education (IME) programs will lead to the organization's or medical education provider's site. You may have to search the site for a specific program. Melinta supports IME based on the merits of the activity and not for promotional purposes.

 Enduring Online Program

Provider: IDSA Foundation Dr John G. Bartlett Memorial Educational Series

Title: The Fungal Foe Among Us: Candidemia and Invasive Candidiasis Awareness

Expiration/ Duration: Not Applicable


Provider: Clinical Care Options (CCO) in partnership with ProCE, LLC and the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP)

Title: Long-Acting Lipoglycopeptides for Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: Implementation Into Practice

Expiration/ Duration: Released August 08, 2023

Resistance Videos

Below are select videos discussing the importance of recognizing the threat of growing antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

YouTube Video Poster

Race Against Resistance: The Life And Death Struggle To Save Antibiotics | BBC StoryWorks – YouTube

YouTube Video Poster

U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education Labor & Pension. Subcommitte Hearing. Superbugs: The Impact of Antimicrobial Resistance on Modern Medicine

YouTube Video Poster

Antimicrobial Resistance: The End of Modern Medicine? - with Dame Sally Davies


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Report an Adverse Event or Quality Complaint

Call 1-844-MED-MLNT
(+1 844-633-6568).
You may also report suspected
adverse events to the FDA
at 1-800-FDA-1088 or


Access Melinta Medical
Information Library


(+1 844-633-6568)
to speak with a medical
information representative

Report an Adverse Event
or Quality Complaint

Call 1-844-MED-MLNT
(+1 844-633-6568)
You may also report suspected
adverse events to the FDA
at 1-800-FDA-1088 or


(+1 844-633-6568)
to speak with a Medical
Information Representative